Warning: Undefined array key "classname" in /home/hgroome/public_html/acad276/classsearchresults.php on line 29
Warning: Undefined array key "roomname" in /home/hgroome/public_html/acad276/classsearchresults.php on line 29
You searched for and room
Warning: Undefined array key "classname" in /home/hgroome/public_html/acad276/classsearchresults.php on line 32
Warning: Undefined array key "roomname" in /home/hgroome/public_html/acad276/classsearchresults.php on line 33
SQL WAS GOOD! Your search returned 46 results
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-11
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-13
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-18
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-20
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-25
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-27
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-02
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-04
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-12
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-14
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-19
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-21
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-26
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-28
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-03
Class name: Materials: Denim to Nanotubes | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 212 | Start time: 18:00:00 | End time: 19:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-05
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-09-12
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-09-14
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-09-19
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-09-21
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-09-26
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-09-28
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-10-03
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lecture | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 11:00:00 | End time: 12:20:00 | Date: 2023-10-05
Class name: test | Class Type: Lecture | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 09:00:00 | End time: 11:00:00 | Date: 2023-10-16
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-12
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-14
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-19
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-21
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-26
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-28
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-03
Class name: Dev II | Class Type: Lecture | Location: IYH 210 | Start time: 14:00:00 | End time: 16:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-05
Class name: test | Class Type: Lab | Location: DMC 101 | Start time: 00:00:00 | End time: 01:00:00 | Date: 2023-09-23
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lab | Location: DMC 111 | Start time: 12:00:00 | End time: 13:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-11
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lab | Location: DMC 111 | Start time: 12:00:00 | End time: 13:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-18
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lab | Location: DMC 111 | Start time: 12:00:00 | End time: 13:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-25
Class name: The Water Planet | Class Type: Lab | Location: DMC 111 | Start time: 12:00:00 | End time: 13:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-02
Class name: The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-11
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-13
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-18
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-20
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-25
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-09-27
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-02
Class name: Accelerated Programming in Python | Class Type: Lecture/Lab | Location: THH 116 | Start time: 15:00:00 | End time: 15:50:00 | Date: 2023-10-04